6 Foods that cause bloating

Bloating is a sign of slow or obstructed digestion.

Piece by: MARY NG'AN'G'A

• Bloating is a sign of slow or obstructed digestion.

• Foods  that contain wheat, carbonated beverages, and fruits such as apples cause bloating

Apples can cause bloating
Apple Apples can cause bloating
Image: Instagram

Feeling bloated is a common experience after eating, often due to overeating, eating too fast, or consuming certain foods and drinks

It is all nice and tasty until that uncomfortable filling-feeling hits so hard.

Trying to recount meals and snacks that one has indulged in and making assumptions about what brought the bloating is a whole headache.

Bloating is a sign of slow or obstructed digestion. 

Here are 6 foods that cause bloating;


Yeah! they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away but too many apples will leave you visiting the doctor.

Apples are loaded with sugar, to be precise, fructose and sorbitol-which is a sugar alcohol, and both of these nutrients can cause gas and bloat. 

They are also fiber-packed snacks, which tend to be hard to digest and create gas as a result.


Onions can cause bloating
Onions Onions can cause bloating
Image: Instagram

The hotdog is slapping until you need to unbutton your pants to ease the uncomfortable feeling. 

onions contain fructans, a type of soluble fiber that the body cannot break down.

When fructans reach the large intestine, they are fermented by gut bacteria, which produces gas and bloating.

Carbonated beverages e.g. Soda

Carbonated beverages
Image: Photos for class

The drink’s fizziness can cause gas bubbles to form in your stomach, which leads to bloating. It gives you the feeling of fullness in your stomach.

It creates gas inside of you and causes your stomach to expand.


Wheat can cause bloating
Bread Wheat can cause bloating
Image: Courtesy

Bread, pasta, and other baked products contain a protein called gluten.

For people who are gluten sensitive, wheat causes major digestive problems leading i.e. bloating, gas, diarrhea, and stomach pain.

Other gluten-free products are readily available to help with bloating.

Dairy products

Dairy products can cause bloating
Milk Dairy products can cause bloating
Image: Instagram

Though dairy products e.g. milk, cheese, and yogurt are an excellent source of protein and calcium, statistics have it that  75% of the world’s population can’t break down lactose which is the sugar found in milk. 

 If one is lactose intolerant, dairy can cause major digestive problems.

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