Josh from singing duo Amos and Josh faults his deviation for their breakup

• Josh attributes some of his miscalculations and the contrast of being 'church boys' while wanting to make music that competed and sold out as reasons for their split

Amos and Josh in a past file
Image: Instagram

Back in 2013 singing duo Amos and Josh stole Kenyans hearts right after finishing up among the top 3 finalists in the coveted Tusker Project fame singing competition.

The duo went onto release multiple hit songs and working with giants in the industry such as BET nominees Sauti Sol on the track 'Nerea' and lyrical genius  King Kaka on 'Baadaye' and 'Promised Land.' However,less than 5 years later they split up, breaking their fans hearts.

Joshua Simani aka Josh of the music duo now attributes some of his miscalculations paired with industry pressure to their split while pointing out the contrast of being 'church boys' and wanting to make music that competed with the times and other artists as another huge factor.

He also admitted to battling alcohol addiction which deterred him from working well.

"You know when you're hanging out with people you can't just stay there just like that lazima ukunywe kitu and they'll be like, 'weuh bana, take something.' With that, I was back to the addiction again," the veteran artist candidly said.

Josh went on to narrate how he lost track of their religious compass and started working on secular music which eventually put a rift between him and his partner who still held firmly onto the church and the image they projected.

Music duo Amos and Josh in the past
Image: Courtesy

"I got deviated a lot. Then I got into the aspect of 'okay if we're doing industry then let us do industry!' So I got in head strong, planning showbiz, writing all kinds of songs, giving the go ahead to videos of all kind of manner.

Kwanza there is a video that was just about to be released then Pastor Amos ran back to church. He was like, 'if we're doing this let it find me in the church,'" Josh revealed as he let out a chuckle.

Eventually, Amos decided to leave as their goals sadly no longer aligned

"After a while he was like, 'seems you have decided to do this let me not be the one holding you back.' Because we had a lot of clashes then. He was like 'maahn tunaenda tu sana, we're going too far' Amos felt we were deviating further and further away.

I on the other hand I was adamant, I felt if we're making this into a business then let us get into the industry," Josh explained.

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