It was a miscalculated move- Anini apologizes to Kenyans

• Anini and her friends had soft launched  a gen z political party 2 days ago 

• The move was met with hostility from Kenyans who are currently focused on rejecting the proposed 2024 Finance Bill 

Digital content creator Anini Barasa

Digital content creator and co-founder of Wagwan Nairobi Anini Barasa has issued a public apology after she and fellow TikTokers were castigated by netizens for trying to launch a Gen Z political party dubbed 'Next Generation Alliance Party of Kenya.'

Netizens heavily criticized the teenager for what they termed as, "letting 15 seconds of fame get to her head," as they cautioned her and her peers for loosing track of what the ongoing protests were really about.

Anini, who gained popularity after her "Agwambo stay home," video went viral during last week's #reject finance bill and #occupy parliament protests alongside fellow TikTokers Nosim Natasha, and Shaun among others 2 days ago  announced they'd be forming a Gen Z led political party.

"You asked for a party and your party shall be formed..." the content creators could be heard saying in a since then deleted video as they stood in a straight line dressed in all black. The move was met with immense backlash with Anini  losing thousand of followers on TikTok leading her to address the ill timed political launch.

"I'm not blind to the fact that the video I posted yesterday wasn't in the best of the people and it was a very miscalculated move. I should've known better but I know better now. I'm really sorry I made a miscalculated move and now it's all over and everyone is mad, I repeat, I should have known better," started off Anini in a video posted across her socials. 

She went on to admit her mistake as she doubled down on her apology urging people to not be deterred from the main point at hand which was demanding the scrapping off of the proposed 2024 Finance Bill.

"What we did yesterday wasn't in line with everything I stand for, and I should've consulted with the people before actually posting it.  The goal is still reject finance bill! Hakuna maneno ya leaders, and I haven't appointed myself a leader I'm just a girl with a voice and I'll be more cautious in the future," the creator said in part as she thanked people for still supporting in her and giving her a platform to air out her thoughts. 

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