Kaz Lucas: I have been in three throuples

A throuple is a relationship involving three people.

• Kaz is currently in a throuple with Dame Yankee and Magic Dyke.

• She has been in three throuples so far.

The trio is currently dating.
Kaz Lucas with her two lovers Dame Yankee and Magic Dyke. The trio is currently dating.
Image: Instagram

Kenyan singer Kaz Lucas has said she won't be doing throuple relationships anymore.

She says that the three she has been in are enough.

Through Tik Tok, a fan asked Kaz how it feels to be ina throuple.

"Being in a throuple is hard. I have been in three throuple's so far.

It's a very difficult relationship for one to take part in because there are so many moving pieces. It's so complicated.

There is so much emotional maturity that is required."

Does she get jealous?

"Jealousy is a human emotion and it comes out to expose the real problem, ir=t creates room for communication to take place.

It happens regardless of the kind of the type of relationship you are in."

Mungai Mbaya, brother to Machachari actor Baha recently revealed that he has been in a  throupl erelationship.

The couple were in a throuple relationship before breaking up a few weeks ago.
Mungai Mbaya and his girlfriend Aisha. The couple were in a throuple relationship before breaking up a few weeks ago.
Image: Instagram

Speaking to Mungai Eve he said that his girlfriend introduced him to the second girl.

" My girlfriend introduced me to this lady, Mo Aisha was interested in her, they had a connection and so she told me about it," he said.

The YouTuber insisted he was not interested the first time, as he was into his girlfriend but as time went by he got the hang of it.

"She was not my girlfriend directly, she was my girlfriend's girlfriend but as time progressed we decided to try things out," he continued.

Mungai narrates that most people he knew were excited that he had two girlfriends but that's not how he viewed it.

He insisted that anyone can get into a relationship with as many ladies as they want as long as they are willing and committed.

"If you are mature, committed, and respectful you are capable of handling such a relationship," the YouTuber stated.

When asked how long the relationship went on, the YouTuber said it was barely a year.

"I can't quite remember clearly but we were together for a few months, I don't think we got to a year," he commented.

The relationship did not work out as expected and they decided to go their separate ways.

" The other partner got involved with someone else where he ended up falling in love and that's how she moved on with the person," he stated.

Mungai Mbaya pointed out that he never fell for the girl who was introduced in the relationship later, as he loved his then girlfriend but did it to make her happy.

" We couldn't hold her back because it was always me and Aisha. I never fell in love with her, I only had eyes for Aisha and I did it because I wanted to make her happy," he confessed.

Tyler's brother stressed that his girlfriend liked that type of agreement and he did it for her.

" Aisha had a girlfriend before she dated me and I knew about it all along I'm not the type of person to judge," he said.

Mungai Mbaya and Mo Aisha are no longer together as they broke up just a few weeks ago,

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