Miss Trudy forced to defend hubby after her interview went viral

• In the interview Trudy revealed she and Wode Maya barely spend any time together as he is always travelling

• Netizens attacked Maya accusing him of being a narcissist who didn't value Trudy especially since he spent lavishly on his sister's wedding but gave Trudy a below par ceremony.

Miss Trudy

Globetrotting Kenyan YouTuber turned entrepreneur Gertrude Awino Njeri, popularly known as Miss Trudy, has come out to address rumours implying her marriage to Ghanaian YouTuber, Kobina Ackon, aka Wode Maya is on the rocks and ultimately headed for a divorce.

Rumour mills of their separation began swirling shortly after Miss Trudy got a little "too candid" during a recent interview which she did with a popular Ghanaian content creator.

During the session, Trudy opened up about how she and Wode Maya barely spend as much time together as they'd like due to their busy and demanding schedules which require them to travel frequently. Most times without each other's company. 

In her own video, Trudy has now come out claiming that her words were taken out of context while highlighting she just answered questions asked with the utmost candour.

She also stressed he was doing siad video due to the heat Maya was getting online

"He asked me a couple of questions, and I answered truthfully. For example, he asked me, 'Do you and Wode Maya spend enough time together?' And I said no because that's the truth.

We don't spend enough time together because he's always traveling... And I also end up traveling a lot," the content creator explained.

Wode Maya and Miss Trudy
Image: Instagram

Clearing the air on another subject that she feels had been contorted, Trudy touched on the state of her mental health admitting she has been struggling and the adjustment to her new home, Ghana was not gloriously seamless.  

"Another question was how I was doing and I said not very well. I was depressed and its life. One thing people do online is fake that they have a perfect life. My life is not perfect. I have some ups and downs.

One of them is moving to a new country. I'm born and raised in Nairobi, then I move to Ghana. It comes with its own fair of challenges. I don't have friends, the food, culture and the weather are different," Trudy asserted.

Finishing up, Trudy defended her man who after the first interview had become a target for keyboard warriors who accused him of so many random things including being a narcissist and not taking care/ respecting his wife.

Wode Maya with Miss Trudy
Image: Instagram

These claims ranged from the Ghanian being accused of abandoning his wife in Miami to not valuing her as he spent lavishly on his sister's wedding but gave Trudy a below par ceremony.

She waved off any speculations of a split letting fans know she and her hubby were working through things in a bid to be better and have a healthier relationship. 

"I wouldn't say Maya is a narcissist. He's definitely not perfect and so am I. I just want you guys to be kind. We are two different people from different cultures, and we are learning from our mistakes. We are going to do better," she said.

Before slowly adding, "I don't want my honesty to be the reason as to why someone is seen as wicked. I would not have done this video if Maya was not being attacked left, right, and centre."

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