Classic 105 expected to be honoured top English radio station in Kenya


• Classic 105 FM is part of Radio Africa Group.

Maina Kageni
Image: courtesy

On July 19, 2024, Classic FM is anticipated to be recognised as Kenya's leading English radio station. The Sarit Centre in Westlands will host the Starbrands Awards.

Starbrands stated in an invitation that the event would start at 6 p.m. and be a black-tie affair.

It would be an honour for Classic FM, the top English radio station, to compete in the Top English Radio Station category.

Your involvement would represent your prestigious brand as a top English radio station and greatly enhance the success of the event, according to Starbrands.

According to Starbrands, Classic FM has proven to have excellent financial and commercial management techniques, which have greatly increased its credibility and trustworthiness and drawn in additional business prospects.

"Your commitment to sound financial practices has not only bolstered your reputation but also ensured sustainable growth and stability," it read.

Starbrands praised Classic FM for its strategic partnerships and investments, which have been important in growing its market share and influence.

The group stated that the collaborations had benefited the community and industry at large in addition to helping the radio succeed.

Every year, the Starbrands awards ceremony honours outstanding brands, prominent figures in the business, noteworthy individuals, and stakeholders from all throughout the nation and East Africa.

These are the people who have excelled in their fields and shown great performance, inventiveness, and commitment.

Notable, individuals and businesses will be honoured for their exceptional accomplishments, encouraging a healthy level of competition and propelling industry progress.

This year's awards subject is "Business and Climate," emphasising the value of sustainable business operations and tackling climate issues through conscientious brand activities.

A group called Starbrands honours brands that have embraced or demonstrated a variety of attributes.

These comprise, among other things, high-quality productivity, the creation of jobs, industrial automation, inventions and innovations, diversification and growth, sustainability, and participation in initiatives to mitigate climate change as part of the brand's corporate social responsibility.

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