Lillian Ng'ang'a lectures on phone etiquette after frustrating encounter


• The mother of one emphasised the importance of putting the phone aside when spending time with others whether during lunch, dinner, or any other social gathering adding that it shows respect for the person.

Lilian Nganga
Image: Instagram

Lillian Nganga has recently expressed her frustration with individuals who remain on their phones while out with others or during social meetings. 

Lillian took to her social media page, Instagram Stories, to express her views on how disrespectful and rude it is for someone to use their phone while in social meetings. 

The mother of one emphasised the importance of putting the phone aside when spending time with others whether during lunch, dinner, or any other social gathering adding that it shows respect for the person. 

"Putting the phone down when out with someone- at lunch dinner etc. - shows respect for the person."

Lillian further narrated encountering such an incident where the lady was on her phone while her partner was making conversation while she had minimal engagement with him.

Despite the man's efforts to communicate with the lady the woman's response was limited to occasional acknowledging of hmmm! 

"I am seated next to two people and the lady has not put her phone down (for over an hour now).

The guy has been talking nonstop with an occasional 'hmm' from the lady! She's even supported the phone on a glass so she can scroll better," she wrote.

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