Enock Sikolia: I was not fired from Citizen TV

• He currently works for CGTN (China Global Television Network)

• He has thanked Citizen for the great lessons they taught him.

Former Citizen TV host Enock Sikolia

Enock Sikolia has shared the reason he left Citizen TV at the height of his career.

Through his YouTube channel 'Kenya Historian Official' he said his political friends ditched him.

"In July 2020, Many things were happening, one morning I walked to the HR office and I tendered my resignation.

She wondered why, yet I was at the best media house. I had the best managers eg Linus Kaikai and Joe Ageyo among others.

I was never sacked, I resigned. Citizens did not want me to go.

I had made a decision that I was leaving Citizen TV.

I had to decide my heart."

Sikolia says he is happy he left.

" Some people say I left because of politics. When I left the politicians I used to call my friends stopped picking up my calls.

I was the person they called even late at night, I thought I was on their speed dials.

Beatrice Elachi and Aden Duale supported me. Some blue ticked me, some never pick my calls to date.'

Sikolia says he wanted to change the scenery and gain new experience

'Sometime before Covid escalated, I saw an advert and I felt I wanted to experience international journalism.

I wanted a new experience. I left quietly because I did not put everything happening in my life on social media.

I wanted to develop the art of documentary production and I knew YouTube was a good place to do that."

He currently works for CGTN (China Global Television Network)


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