Ghost Mulee reveals his first job, first salary, KCSE results in candid interview

• Ghost also pointed out that he prefers morning hours than evening hours explaining that he is used to waking up very early.

Ghost Mulee

Popular presenter of Gidi na Ghost Asubuhi on Radio Jambo, Jacob ‘Ghost’ Mulee has responded to some personal questions about him.

In an open interview with journalist Samuel Maina, the former Harambee Stars coach shared personal details such as the marks he scored in secondary school, his first job, his favourite meal, his favourite time of the day, what he would have been if he was not a journalist, among other things.

About his favourite meal, the hilarious presenter said he fancies eating ugali with fish.

“Saa ingine napenda ugali kwa matumbo,” Ghost Mulee alisema.

He revealed that he prefers to spend his leisure time with animals at the zoo explaining that animals give him a conducive environment to relax.

He also said, unlike human beings, animals have better virtues in how they relate with their mates.

“I like going to the national park during my leaisure time. Unajua hao wanyama wakati mwingi wanatulia, hawana stori mingi, hawana wivu. Wewe unawaona, Simba akiua mnyama mmoja, ni mmoja. Hataki kuua ndovu, mara aue Kifaru. Sisi binadamu hutaka kuposess kila kitu. Kwa hiyo, wildife huwa ndiyo maskani yangu ya kurelax,” he said.

Ghost also pointed out that he prefers morning hours than evening hours explaining that he is used to waking up very early.

“I am a very morning person. Mimi ata kama sikuji kazi, saa zingine napatanga tu alarm imelia naamka. Unajua ukizoea inakuwa akilini mwako iko hivyo. I am a morning person, ikifika jioni I am done,” he said.

He also revealed that he worked as a casual labourer as his first job where he would earn less than five hundred shillings in a week.

“My first job ilikuwa kibarua huko Kenya Airways, tulikuwa tunalipwa karibu 70 bob per day. Tulikuwa tunalipwa either fortnight  ama weekly. Kwa hiyo najua 70*7, ilikuwa karibu 490,” Ghost said.

He added, “Wakati huo ilikuwa pesa mingi, unajua sio juzi. Ni 1989 huko.”

Another thing that the Gidi na Ghost             asubuhi presenter revealed is his secondary marks which he said he were splendid.

“Nilipata alama nzuri juu niliqualify kuenda High school. Nilipata alama nzuri kusema kweli, sikumbuki ni nini lakini nilipata alama nzuri lakini nilihitimu nikaingia form 5 na form 6,” he said.

About what he would have been if he was not a Radio presenter, he said, “If I weren’t a Radio Presenter, either ningekuwa KDF ama ningekuwa KWS. Ningekuwa mtu nashughulika na wanyama.”

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