I have 8 German Shepherd dogs to protect my daughter-Burale cheekily says

• The preacher's relationship with his only child is a beautiful one that has stood the test of time and is only getting better.

Robert Burale with his daughter
Image: Instagram

Robert Burale has revealed that he has about eight German Shepherd dogs specifically for protecting his teenage daughter.

The preacher who is also a motivational speaker revealed this using his Facebook page when he was responding to one of the internet users who commented on his post.

Burale posted a photo together with his daughter and said that what makes him most happy with his and his daughter's life is to be sure that God is at the helm of their lives.

"The beauty of life is knowing your inheritance is safe in Christ," Burale added in a photo with his daughter.

People commented saying that the daughter had become an adult very quickly and others claimed that the fruit had not fallen far from the tree, in the sense of matching like a shilling.

Another told him that since he is older now, he needs strict protection so that he does not get played by reckless youths, and jokingly asked Burale if he would prepare himself for the difficult job of protecting a teenage girl.

"Oh! She is not a little girl anymore! Where are the German Shepherd dogs to protect her? . hahaha!” Obed King Musumbi asked him jokingly.

Burale replied that the dogs are there for the protection of his daughter and even gave more detailed information about the number of his daughter's guards. "They are... about 8," Burale replied jokingly.

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