Andrew Kibe elicits excitement after landing in Dubai

• The controversial content creator also made sure to compare the Emirati city with Kenya.

Andrew Kibe in Dubai
Image: Andrew Kibe

Social commentator Andrew Kibe has landed in Dubai, much to the excitement of his Kenyan fans in the Middle Eastern Country. He called it a magical city;

"Dubai is a magical city. No witches in sight though just hard work, honesty and diligence," he said while displaying the city as he walked around.

"I had a good night, I enjoyed myself Jana tulienda Kiza, it was very polite, nothing too heavy. Just two, three drinks tumalize hii stori," he added.

He took the moment to comment on the differences between Africa and Dubai's development noting how much effort Dubai has invested in building the city

"If today we were to start and say in 20 years where would we be as a country it should be nothing short of what I am looking at right now. This is what prosperity looks like."

Kibe took a moment to take pictures with his fans as he shared his plans in Dubai,

"Kenyans in Dubai are a happy bunch. Yacht party manenos was off the chains."

Additionally, he shared videos turning up in what appeared to be a black-and-white themed party. Partygoers danced along to Lois Kim's song Nigukena among other Kikuyu songs as the DJ on the decks smiled.

A fan shared an additional video of the scenic party. 

@PierreKundi wrote, "Usiulize Niko wapi, uliza Niko na Nani. Dubai life is good jolly jolly. Yafreeka to the world."

To which Kibe replied with approval,

"We hate each other online but on the ground we just want to drink and have fun. Ni kiundu mind-boggling."

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