He was a mjengo guy with singer Octopizzo

Mjengo to dancing: Jalango's list of odd jobs before success

• Jalango  also worked in a fish company.

• He is now the Langata MP

Image: Instagram

Felix Odiwour, the Langata MP is a man driven to success.His humble beginnings have spurred him to push further into achieving career success.

He did not have it easy and has always spoken about the number of odd jobs he has done in his lifetime.Here is the list of odd jobs he has opened up about.

He says the race has always been against poverty.

1. Jalas worked as a Mjengo guy

Getting candid about this time in his life, Jalango told Oga Obinna on August 10, 2023 that he worked with singer Octopizzo.

"We did that job of kubomoa with Octopizzo. I did not know this would be the guy who would become. Octopizzo."

2. He worked as a waiter in a hotel

"I've been a waiter. At the Embakasi Quarry, My uncle used to have his workshop on this side, and this hotel is on the right., So I used to work there, chapati, mandazi moto, you serve people there."

3. He worked as a dancer

His skills proved valuable while in Kakamega. This was possibly the longest-odd job he held. His employer then was Senator Cleophas Malala, at a club called Stylez.

"That is also where I recorded my first song, tumechill"

4. He sold used school books with a friend

In the evenings as he went dancing.The job though was very stressful because they were always arrested. The frustration saw him quit and look for something else.

5. He was a rapper

Back in Kakamega, he was in a group called Changez. "We were about positive vibes. So tumechill, there was an NGO that started working with us"

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