DJ Evolve: I had already forgiven Babu Owino before emergency surgery

The entertainer is healing slowly since that fateful night 3 years ago


• Felix had a deep interview with the-star and touched on various areas in his life including the death of his mom.

DJ Evolve.
Image: Instagram

On January 17th, 2020, Felix Orinda alias DJ Evolve's life was turned on its head after he was tragically shot in the neck.

Embakasi East MP Babu Owino was charged for shooting Evolve at B-Club entertainment spot in Kilimani,  but later the murder charges were dropped.

After being bedridden, discharged from hospital and starting recovery journey, life hit Dj Evolve further on September 23, 2021 when his mother passed away.

With the death of his mother and recovery from the gunshot, Dj Evolve takes the Star through his emotional journey over the past three years.

Part of theat interview is below; 

How has life been since you lost your mother?

Anyone who has lost a parent, especially if you had a great relationship, knows how difficult it is to deal with their demise. It hasn't been any different for me, I'd say it's worse since I wasn't able to be there for her send-off and it keeps messing with my mental wellness from time to time but acceptance is a major step to any form of healing.

What is your message to fans who definitely are missing you?

First of all, let's all thank God that I'm alive. I'm on a positive recovery journey and when the time comes, we will definitely reunite (with me on the decks) In the meantime we are set to reunite In a couple of weeks in a different capacity for a good cause.

What is your relationship with Babu Owino at the moment?

Proverbs 17:9 "Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates close friends." I know we are a country of diverse religious beliefs but I believe love and forgiveness are universal. It's public information that I forgave Babu. I actually did it before getting to the hospital on the same day as I felt, if I had one last act of kindness to do, what would it be? And it was a no brainer. We've maintained our friendship as no amount of anger or guilt can undo what is already done.

What is the most difficult thing about recovery?

This is a really important question and this part is what has ignited a fire in me to start the project I'm about to embark on.

The most difficult part of the recovery process has been living with disability. It has really opened my eyes to a whole new world of experiences that cannot be decoded in one sitting.

I have been lucky enough to experience both worlds and trust me living with disability is something you wouldn't understand unless you've lived it and that's why I want to use my abilities to help where I can in the world of the differently abled.

Any willing supporters can reach out through or I'll also be launching an Evolve Fund Till Soon to enable donations.

Please note any form of donations are welcomed monetary, facilities, intellectual and volunteerism.

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