Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK) Chief Executive Officer, Dr Ezekiel Mutua, is among the guest speakers at the Men’s Conference scheduled for Valentine’s Day (February 14) at the Carnivore grounds in Nairobi.
Preparations for the event are already in progress under the media personality Stephen Letoo.
Mutua commented on a post by blogger Pauline Njoroge who said she was against the event if men would not gift their women with Chocolate and flowers.
"Stephen Letoo, We see how you want to hijack valences day and make it a men’s day! It’s our day and we might just storm Carnival and demand for our chocolates and flowers. Mkicheza and fail to observe OUR day as per our expectations, we might even go on a one month “strike”. Be warned!" she said.
Responding to the post, Dr Mutua said he will be among the speakers at the conference.
Mutua added that he was happy about Letoo's commitment since he had noticed there was a problem in the society that needed to be rectified.
"The Men's conference is a forum where men are taught how to treat their women better. It's not us vs them. Chairman Stephen Letoo is aware about the suffering of women in the hands of irresponsible men. He wants a better society where men and women play a complimentary role. I will say more at the conference. Come one, come all."
Speaking to Word Is a few days ago, Letoo said the main topic of discussion is mental health.
"Men run news with death, suicide and other negative stories," he said.
"We want to have experts talk to men about some issues like mental health and stress management and family law."
"Other agendas include drug and substance abuse and financial management," he said, adding that men will be educated on why they should stop over-spoiling their women.
Attendees will pay Sh1,000 bob.
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