Babu Owino's 4 full proof tips to ensure relationships work

• The politician is married to his campus sweetheart, Fridah Muthoni.

• The couple has been together for more than a decade.

Embakasi East MP Babu Owino with his wife Fridah Ogili
Image: Courtesy

Embakasi East MP, Paul Ongili popularly known as Babu Owino recently revealed unlike most men he doesn't share the sentiments that women are difficult to learn or understand.

On the contrary, the energized politician feels they're the easiest and so is pleasing them. Being the giver that he is Babu shared 4 bulletproof steps to ensure a relationship always flourishes and makes things easier to handle.

The politician started by showering his wife, Fridah Muthoni with praise highlighting a few qualities about her that he finds truly beautiful.

"I really want to thank God for having given me an amazing wife. Beautiful physically, and beautiful at heart. Happy wife, happy life," the learned politician said while speaking with YouTuber Oga Obinna.

He added that people who feel the sanctity of marriage no longer works just don't know how to deal with their unions.

"Some people say marriage is a scam but they do not know what it is, they do not know what to handle within the marriage institution," the father of 2 candidly stated.

On his key points on how to handle women and help make things work as the head of the union, Babu explained;

"Women are the easiest to learn. Just appreciate them, and secondly, give them time. Spend quality time with them. Thirdly, communicate with them perfectly and number four date. Let your wife be an ongoing concern, date them. Take them for coffee, or lunch, take them somewhere. It does not matter the place, the essence is spending time together,"

Finishing up he maintained being busy is not an excuse that should pass, especially when you care for the people around you.

"I am too busy but I sleep at home. And number two, you cannot be too busy for an important thing or person in your life," the MP stated firmly.

Babu and his wife, Fridah Muthoni met at the University of Nairobi over 10 years ago and have been inseparable since then. The couple has two children.

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