Former president Uhuru warms hearts with Christmas generosity

• Kenya's 4th commander-in-chief has kept a low profile ever since he left office in September 2022.

Former President Uhuru Kenyatta spread some holiday cheer to children in over five homes and rescue centres where he was warmly welcomed.

The former Head of State's appearance on social media pictures warmed hearts as Kenyans look forward to Christmas day.

While giving hugs and serving cake, Uhuru mingled freely with his mother Mama Ngina, and smiled and enjoyed as he also donated foodstuffs.

“Once again Christmas is here; a time to remember and apply our shared values of compassion, sharing, and communion.

We share this holiday with all people of all persuasions because what we celebrate are cherished universal human impulses.

Let the holidays bring us closer to each other so that collectively, we can lighten our burden and brighten our journey. Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year!”

Elsewhere, President William Ruto and First Lady Rachel Ruto also donated items to Sugoi residents. The couple were hosting families as Kenyans turned up in large numbers to enjoy goodies.

"Spreading joy and festive cheer in Sugoi, Uasin Gishu County! The President and I hosted a heartwarming Christmas gathering to share the festive spirit and gifts with our wonderful neighbours," Mama Rachel wrote.

Rachel Ruto bringing Christmas cheer
Image: Courtesy

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