Babu Owino: Prison life is better than living out here

Said prisoners are better off as they get free food therein and have better security.


• The lawmaker said the move to do away with taxes on cooking gas is not helpful if people have nothing to cook. 

• Owino called for the reduction in costs of maize flour, sugar and other household commodities. 

Babu Owino.
Image: Instagram/Babu Owino.

Babu Owino the Embakasi East MP has said it is better to be in prison than to be out here due to the high cost of living. 

Speaking in Kitale on Sunday during Azimio rallies, Owino said prisoners are better off as they get free food therein and have better security. 

"Hii Kenya kuishi jela ni tamu na nzuri  kuliko hapa nje sahiii. Kwa sababu jela kuna unga ya bure, hapa je unga iko juu. Jela kuna maximum security, hapa  nje si mnashikwa ovyo ovyo. Owino said.

(In Kenya, being in prison is sweeter and better compared to out here. Because in prison there is free maize flour, out here the cost of maize flour is high. In prison there is maximum security, out here you are arrested haphazardly.)

"Kenyans, should we stay out here or in prison, because out here we are more imprisoned," Owino said. 

Owino was reminiscent of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua's remarks that Kenyans will eat rice with beef.  

"But now it is, even hard to afford vegetables," he said. 

Owino said he wants all Kenyans to come out with their cooking pans, plates and spoons as they plan to take their demonstrations to Statehouse. 

The lawmaker said the move to do away with taxes on cooking gas is not helpful if people have nothing to cook. 

"Can you eat gas? Even if you are given free gas without food, will you eat the gas? " Owino posed. 

Owino called for the reduction in costs of maize flour, sugar and other household commodities. 

He said lowering the costs of the foodstuff will be good and Kenyans can still cook with firewood and charcoal so long as they can afford food.

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