Eldoret Medics unable to reattach chopped private parts

Replantation is generally not possible for organs that have been separated from the body for more than 12 hours

• Medics at MTRH said it was impossible to reattach the organ

• Self amputation of manhood is known as Klingsor Syndrome and its rare 

The Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital

Doctors were unable to reattach the penis of a man who chopped it off himself with a kitchen knife following a disagreement with his wife.

Medics at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) said it was impossible to reattach the organ because it had been poorly preserved.

The organ that had been chopped off at the base was presented at the health facility 16-hours late, making it hard for medics to treat the patient accordingly. 

Research shows that replantation is generally not possible for organs that have been separated from the body for more than 12 hours.

Dr Dennis Kipkemoi, a surgeon who documented the case said the 48-year-old man suffers from schizophrenia.

He said though people with psychological problems sometimes try to harm themselves but inflicted penile amputator is rare.

Dr Kipkemoi in a report documented in 2021 urological case report journal said "A 48-year-old male on follow up for schizophrenia presented to our hospital after completely amputating his penis at the base using a kitchen knife,".

in Eldoret
Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret
Image: File Image

Dr Kipkemoi pointed out in the journal that the penis had not been preserved well, and the delayed presentation prompted the medics decision to opt out of re-implantation and proceed with stump fashioning.

The man who stayed in hospital for one week, undergoing stump fashioning  did not get a total penile reconstruction 

"The stump was healing well by the 20th post operative day . The patient reported no other complications and as expected he retained urinary continence," the medics reported.

The doctors said if the man allows, they will create a permanent opening into the urethra through an incision between the scrotum and the anus, through which he can pee.

"The principles of management following self penile amputation are saving life. Restoration of function and management of the underlying psychiatric condition"

Self amputation of manhood is known as Klingsor Syndrome and its rare.

This was the first case of Klingsor documented in Kenya.

one of the biggest health facilities in Kenya
The Kenyatta National Hospital one of the biggest health facilities in Kenya
Image: Twitter

In 2019, doctors at KNH reattached and constructed the penis of a Form 3 student from Mbeere which had been chopped off by a thug.

Th 7-hour procedure involved a team of 15 multi disciplinary specialists. This was the first penile re-attachment at KNH.

The 16-year-old boy was attacked by unknown person on December 18. The attacker chopped off his penis at the base near the scrotum using a kitchen knife.

The operation was referred to KNH where doctors worked on the patient on December 19. The doctors included specialists in plastic surgery, urology and neurosurgery . They were led by Professor Stanley Khainga and Dr. Ferdinand Nangole of KNH.

"Were happy to report hat the patient is recuperating well after a successful re-implantation of the penis. He is reporting erection and the length is good," Dr Khainga said.

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