'Lethal family secrets' you should never hide from your partner - List

•"Women have become very notorious for hiding kids especially when they feel a man might reject them over this."

Image: Philomena Njeri with her husband Jonathan Mukundi

The recent murder-suicide drama involving businessman Johnathan Mukindi, 42, and  Philomena Njeri, 30 has left many in shock.

But what is more puzzling is the fact that Mukindi allegedly killed his wife over the fact that she got pregnant for someone else.

Mukindi could not sire kids and seeing his wife pregnant is something he couldn't stand.

Below are some of the important things you should tell your partner before or after you start dating

If you have kids from a previous relationship.

We have seen couples who have lived for years separated from their kids.

Women have become very notorious for hiding kids especially when they feel a man might reject them over this.

It's important to let your partner know you have kids, if they love you enough they will stay, if not let them go.

HIV status

If you are living positively, it is important to inform your partner so that they can get tested.

Some people hide their status only to end up infecting their partners who in turn infect other people especially if they are promiscuous.

Not everyone gets HIV/ AIDS by sleeping around.

Some people get infected during accidents, some are born positive so one should not be scared of opening up about your status.

If someone loves you they will stay whether you are positive or not.

Debt history

Kenyans are notorious when it comes to hiding their debts.

Most have loans with mobile banking apps, banks and it's important to let your partner know where you stand financially.

Families have been broken by hiding such information, some people even get auctioned.

Inherited diseases

We have ailments that are passed from parent to kid.

Such include heart disease, high blood pressure, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, and obesity.

It's important to let your partner know because it's easier to control some of these ailments.

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