KRG The Don- Maandamano is now for thieves and lazy people

•His sentiments comes just hours after a few young people were caught stealing during the Finance Bill 2024 demos.

KRG the Don
Image: Instagram

Krg The Don has asked Kenyans to go back to working instead of demonstrating.

According to him hired goons have started joining the protests hence diluting the purpose for the demos.

"I guess It’s time we go back to work now coz Hii maandamano imebaki ya wezi and lazy people who have nothing to loose."

His sentiments comes just hours after a few young people were caught stealing during the Finance Bill 2024 demos.

In videos doing rounds on social media, a young man was allegedly caught stealing a printer .

In Mombasa police were forced to save a young man who was being beaten by a mob for allegedly stealing during the protests.

DCI has also released 38 faces of people alleged to have robbed  suspected of engaging in acts of lawlessness during the anti-Finance Bill protests.

On Tuesday, the DCI said detectives had been dispatched to go after individuals captured on camera taking advantage of the ongoing demonstrations to mug pedestrians.

“Anyone involved in the criminal activities is reminded that it is just a matter of time before the long arm of the law catches up with them, and that their felonious acts shall be met with the full force of the law,” the DCI said.

Pauline Njoroge posted the same saying.

"Dear Gen Z! I strongly believe you should now release a poster cancelling the Tuesday and Thursday protests till further notice. Regime sponsored goons have taken over with an aim to destroy the image of the patriotic movement that you begun, that saw the successful rejection of the Finance Bill 2024. Calling off the street protests does not mean going silent. Maintain a strong voice on the very powerful social media space, relentlessly demanding for better governance, accountability and citizen friendly policies and legislations. But the streets are a no go zone for now! Aluta Continua!"

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