Atwoli's wife makes impassioned plea to Gen Z

• Acknowledging that the trigger for the intense protests has been addressed, she cautioned against missing the core issue and urged against promoting anarchy. 

Mary Kilobi
Image: Instagram

Mary Kilobi, the wife of COTU Boss Francis Atwoli, has appealed to Gen Z to promote peace and exercise patience.

In a heartfelt message addressed to the youth involved in the Finance Bill protests, the newscaster expressed her condolences to the families who lost loved ones during the demonstrations.

According to KNCHR data, 39 people have lost their lives and 361 others have been injured between June 18 and July 1.

"My heart is deeply saddened for Kenya. I have experienced the loss of loved ones myself, and I understand the pain those families are going through. It's truly heartbreaking. My thoughts are with all of you. At this point, I strongly believe we have made our message very clear," she stated.

Acknowledging that the trigger for the intense protests has been addressed, she cautioned against missing the core issue and urged against promoting anarchy.

She stressed with the youth's concerns about unemployment, sharing her own struggles and those of her siblings in seeking employment.

"I know the pain of working without pay for months. Many of you have reached out to me for help in finding jobs, and I am in the same boat. I have family members who are also unemployed. I've even supported orphans with degrees who cannot find jobs. They look up to me for assistance, and I share in their frustration," she continued.

Kilobi also reminded the youth that President Ruto did not sign the rejected Finance Bill, suggesting that more solutions are being sought.

She urged patience, likening the situation to a football match where the referee has blown the final whistle and declared a winner.

"The President has acknowledged our concerns. The Bill has been rejected. Now, let's give him time. The match is over, you've won, so why continue fighting with an opponent who has conceded? Leave the arena and go home. Please, don't let troublemakers hijack this noble cause.

They are taking over! Change won't happen overnight; even the problems didn't arise overnight. Let's preserve our beautiful country, Kenya. We don't want to follow the path of Somalia or Sudan. Let's prevent that from happening. We will all suffer if we reach that point," she urged.

Mary Kilobi appealed to the youth to refrain from further protests and encouraged them to give the President the opportunity to address their concerns.

She called on young influencers who initiated the movement to advocate for peace and patience.

"Young people, the President has listened to us, and he's ready to engage further. Please give him the chance! It has been a challenging time for Kenya, but our message has been heard. Let's allow the President the time to act. We all aspire to see a better Kenya.

I urge everyone, especially the young influencers who started this important initiative, to promote peace and patience. I know some of you may still want to throw stones, go ahead, but I've spoken the truth! May God bless and protect Kenya," she concluded.

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