Watch: Willy Paul allegedly arrested

The singer had announced that police were outside his house

Singer Willy Paul has allegedly been arrested outside his house. The singer first shared the information on his Instagram stories alleging that the police were outside his Syotani Villas home to arrest him.

He alleged that he is being accused of a hit and run "Emergency, If you know my place, rush. All media houses. They are trying to swt me up."

Videos show a police car outside the singer's house.


Mpasho's effort to reach the singer went unanswered.

In January, Pozze received mixed reactions from fans after accusing a comedian of infecting people with a disease.

“You’re a celebrity with HIV and AIDS. You’ve been targeting girls aged 19 to 25 years. You’ve infected innocent girls, some are still not aware. The last one you infected is a sister. You should be in prison boss. You know yourself," he claimed

According to the law, Section 26(1) makes it illegal for a person who knows they are infected with HIV to ‘intentionally, knowingly and wilfully do anything or permit anything to be done which they should reasonably know will or is likely to transmit HIV’

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