How I met Karen Nyamu for the first time-Baby daddy Dj Saint reveals

• DJ Saint is the father of Karen Nyamu's first child, Talia.

DJ Saint Kevin side by side with Karen Nyamu
Image: Courtesy

Karen Nyamu's co-parent, DJ Saint Kevin has opened up about their first meeting during a recent interview with Spice FM, Kevin revealed that they met at a show where he was performing.

"We met in my line of work, at show. That's where we met," he said. DJ Saint is the father of Karen Nyamu's first child. The two dated for a while before going their separate ways.

In the interview, the celebrity also talked about his current relationship with Nyamu where he revealed that they cooperate well in parenting.

“She is a good woman; she is a good mother to our child. We cooperate in parenting. There is no bad relationship, we are co-parents," he said.

He added, "We live completely different lives, she has his life and I have mine, and I'm cool with it. We meet in the middle when it comes to kids, that's like the only time we meet."

DJ Saint is the father of Karen Nyamu's first child, Talia. Speaking in the past, he said that his work as a DJ contributed to their bad relationship.

"As a DJ I often interact with women, a female fan can go on stage and kiss you on the neck while asking for a song and Karen couldn't bear it. Even if he doesn't cause drama at the event, when we get in the car to go home, it's a lesson all the way home," he revealed.

DJ Saint added that they argued every day and it caused tension that led to their separation. "It was war after war, and when I decided to leave, we had reached a point of no return. It was always an argument and I thought it was not right for us to raise our son in that environment," Dj Saint continued to narrate. 

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