'Nimebaki na God na Wifi' Brian Chira on being deserted by 'friends'


• Comedian Obinna explained that Brian Chira sought him out for his blog to tell him about the challenges he is facing.

Brian Chira
Image: Instagram

TikToker Brian Chira now claims all friends have deserted him.

He now says only God and Wifi have remained constant in his life.

This is funny given he was 'deserted' after he went live on his socials severally exposing his manhood.

Comedian Obinna explained that Brian Chira sought him out for his blog to tell him about the challenges he is facing.

"My friends left me to live alone, I am left with God and the phone many times at my house, I just pray to God, when sleep overwhelms me, I call on my phone," he said.

Chira once again apologized to his followers and fellow bloggers who helped him build his name online despite his abusive actions.

"I apologize to my superiors, I have accepted my mistakes and I want us to live well with my friends because I feel lonely all the time," Chira said.

In this interview, the Tiktoker said that alcoholism had contributed to the pain that has angered his fellow bloggers, but he begged them for forgiveness saying that he was ready to change.

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