Nyako threatens to take legal action against Brian Chira

Piece by: ZENNA ISSA

•Will content creator Chira be returning to prison after his protector and the person he refers to as "mom" turned against him?

Nyako and Brian Chira
Image: courtesy

Brian Chira has been trending lately after numerous insults that he has directed towards Tiktoker Nyako who had previously helped him in his time of need.

Nyako who had come to Chira's defence after his defamation case towards Azziad Nasenya became the next victim of Chira's insults.

Despite all the efforts that she had made to safeguard the content creator from the many questioning and judging public, Chira turned on her and made her look like the bad guy in the situation.

Brian during a live TikTok session called her off after she had previously told him that he was slacking off. In a statement he said;

"She is not my mother. She does not care about me. Do you think I care about Nyako? Nilie juu ya rent? There are six billion people in the world. Kwani ni yeye pekee yake gifter? People came and went. Si beg rent, Nyako ukiskia kama utalipa rent ya hii mwezi utalipa na kama hutaki uwache. You think I care, I owe her nothing,"

 After that statement, Chira further went on and continued insulting his rent payer all over the internet. This angered Nyako and she decided to take legal action against him.

She stated that the only way to stop what was happening was to go the "Azziad way" (Court way) so as to teach him a lesson.

"Hivi vile  kunaendelea, huyu kijana amenitusi online mara kadha na video clips. To stop this I have to go the Azziad way. Huyo kijan amenizoea."

Most people weren't afraid to express their views since they knew that Chira would one day turn against Nyako and it would end badly. Below are some of the views from the public;

@AbombaJacob -surprisingly she was protecting him some weeks ago...never hide the chui from the hunters itakula mtoto wako...I believe mmesoma ile story in primary ya mathe alificha chui watu wakiwinda.

@waweru_zack -Chira andinywe. #Nyako sue this rubbish nigga.

@JohnJuma_-Nyako and Chira are in the same WhatsApp group. She can't succeed in the @AzziadNasenya way she's referring to! Mwendawazimu vs. Mwandawazimu equals Null object.

@PeterMw60623836 -I think this guy his home town is jail juzi tu alikuwa cell.

WAMBUI@c_andy_gurl -Lkn chira will face the consequences unajua first thing Hana kakiru.

@Shilafelmaks -Nyako knew this day would come, she was ready.

@emmanue81670773 -Chira ni wazimu , he should be barred from social media.

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