Shorn publicly said she felt Yeforian was bark to fully finish her bestie after their nasty breakup

Let the dogs keep barking! Yeforian slams Shorn Arwa

• Nairofey recently got back together with her husband Yeforian after the two had a nasty online breakup

• Shorn Arwa made it clear she disapproved of the relationship but at the end of the day everyone was an adult

Image: Instagram/Yeforian

Nairofey's husband Duncan (who popularly goes by Yeforian) seems to be throwing not-so-subtle shade at his wife's best friend Shorn Arwa with his latest Instagram post.

The pot is brewing hot and we are here for it all!

Shortly after Shorn Arwa's interview where she revealed she was weary of the businessman and his intentions with her best, Yeforian posted a picture of himself casually lounging in a chair, in the caption he bragged of how his woman was taking good care of him while sending a message to Shorn.

 "What a beautiful Thursday! Na nimelishwa na bibi btw (and I have been fed by my wife by the way). Let the dogs keep barking, the caravan goes on!" Yeforian wrote.

A netizen was quick to comment asking if he was talking about whom everyone thought he was.

"You mean Shorn?" Irungu Lydia quizzically asked. To which Yeforian responded by saying he had no idea who or what that was! Child! The shade and audacity, wueh.

"I have no idea what or whom you saw barking," the digital content creator responded.

While responding to a different comment Duncan noted, "Toothless dogs bark the most,"

Digital content creator Shorn Arwa
Image: Instagram/Shorn Arwa

Interestingly enough Nairofey commented on her man's page letting the world know that she was in solidarity with him.

"Caption has it!" Wrote the content creator accompanying the post with red push pin emojis which are used to indicate driving a point home. In a different comment she left a a couple of kissing face emojis on her man's page enforcing her unending love for him.

Things got even more messy when the 26 year old referred to her friend as "some random girl" This is after a fan called her out for her earlier comment on Yeforian's page when she clearly knew the man was attacking Shorn Arwa.

"I will defend my husband, not some random girl," Nairofey said with no apology

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