Andrew Kibe- I foresaw my YouTube channel closure three months ago

Piece by: Peninah Njoki

• He already has 2000 followers on his new platform Yafreeka.

Andrew Kibe
Image: Courtesy

Content Creator Andrew Kibe now says he foresaw the closure of his YouTube channel.

Once that happened he started taking new measures.

Through his socials, Kibe says not even death can stop him

"Kibe is the best, the whole story has been trending the whole day. People have been saying I will go and wash old grannies.We have been waiting for this day. kunacelliwa a Youtube channel is that news?

They had not employed me. It doesn't make sense. I now have my own platform Yafreeka.

By Friday we will be going live on that platform."

Kibe says it's time for Kenyans to build their own brands

"Lets build our own thing so that we can be our own watchmen. How can they dominate us? That I cannot say what I want to because people will get offended.


"I saw the blackout coming three months ago and started building my own platform which will kick Youtube out of Africa!! Sign up and start uploading content on my platform, Yafreeka- Declares Andrew Kibe after Youtube blackout

I will never stop doing this, unless you find a way to kill me, Ata kama nitabaki na watu wawili. I will whip you'll daily."

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