Kibe forced to make drastic changes as YouTube deletes his channel with 400K subscribers

• Andrew Kibe directed his loyal fans to a new platform where his content will be streaming.

• Kibe forced to make drastic changes after YouTube with over 400K subscribers was deleted

Andrew Kibe promises to pay 100k for new signature tune for his show
Image: Courtesy

Social commenter and former radio Radio Andrew Kibe has been forced to make drastic changes after his YouTuber Channel with over 400K subscribers was deleted by Google.

In an update, Kibe directed his loyal fans to a new platform where his content will be streaming. He made it clear that he is not backing down despite the major setback.

“Have been testing out the live feature on and I am confident we shall be going LIVE this Friday. Sign up there and start uploading your content. We are the content cartel!

“Meanwhile, catch me tonight same time here on X, Rumble, Instagram, and TikTok. The train left the station bruh,” Kibe said.

On Monday, Netizens were subjected to a rude shock after learning that Kibe’s channel had been suspended for allegedly violating community guidelines.

The strike according to a screenshot Mpasho has taken above indicates that "the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated," read the announcement.

Here is what Google Help says about an account being terminated.

- If your channel was terminated due to copyright infringement claims and you think the claims are incorrect, you may file a counter-notification. This process is still available for creators with terminated channels, but the counter-notification web form will be inaccessible.

- Is YouTube termination permanent? YouTube may suspend accounts, temporarily or permanently, from their social networking service.

- YouTube can terminate any account they choose to terminate without needing to give any reason.

- You may be able to appeal either by creating and submitting a video appeal or by contacting Creator Support from within YouTube Studio. After submitting your appeal, our teams will respond within 14 days with a decision.

Kenyans On Twitter (X App) has tweeted in solidarity with Andrew Kibe, saying they are ready to follow him to the new platform.

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