Why Terence Creative isn't celebrating termination of Andrew Kibe's YouTube account

• The content creator's popular YouTube account was shut down on Monday.

From left: Milly Chebby, Bahati, Diana Marua, Terence Creative.
Image: Instagram

Famous Kenyan artists, Kelvin Bahati and Terence Creative have shared their views after the YouTube account of entertainer Andrew Kibe was closed.

Both Bahati and Terence have been victims of Kibe's sarcasm, with the entertainer often calling them 'Kabahanye' and 'Nganuthia.' respectively.

Immediately following the news of the closure of the former broadcaster's channel on Monday evening, Terence expressed his dismay at the move.

"It's really sad, I'm going to miss Nganuthia's lashes," Terence said. On Tuesday, Bahati shared a video of Terence and his wife Milly Chebby kissing and hinted that the couple can now enjoy their relationship in peace.

The musician pointed out that not only Terence and Milly Chebby will enjoy it, but he will also get to celebrate his love with Diana Marua in peace.

"Naskia sasa Nganuthia and Kabahanye Can Now Celebrate the Ones we Love at Peace 😎😂😃 @terencecreative and @millychebby Have Verified #HUYU ❤️ is a Hit ✔️👌," Bahati wrote under the video he posted on Instagram.

While responding to comments on Bahati's post, Terence noted that Kibe's YouTube channel was beneficial to him contrary to what many thought.

"Hapana hatufanyi hivyo(kusherehekea), jukwaa hilo lilikuwa na manufaa zaidi kwangu kuliko wewe," Terence replied.

Which loosely translated read, "No we don't (celebrate), that platform was more useful to me than you."

Kibe's popular YouTube account was shut down on Monday.  A statement about the action displayed on the account read, "The YouTube account associated with this video has been suspended." 

In recent days, the entertainer who is currently in the United States has been informing his fans that as soon as he finishes using YouTube, he will upload his content to another platform.

This is what Google's information says about YouTube account closure;

•If your platform was terminated due to an alleged copyright infringement and you think the allegations are false, you can submit a counter-notification. This process is still available for creators with closed accounts, but the rebuttal notification web form will not be available.

• Is the deletion of the YouTube account permanent? YouTube may suspend accounts, temporarily or permanently, from their social media services.

•YouTube can suspend any account they choose to close without having to give any reason.

•You can appeal by creating and submitting a video appeal or by contacting Creator Support from within YouTube Studio. After submitting your appeal, our teams will respond within 14 days with a decision.

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