Kwambox- Men in 2023 gossip more than women

• She gave examples of Andrew Kibe and Edgar Obare .

Sheila Kwamboka.
Image: Instagram/Sheila Kwamboka.

Morning Kiss host Sheila Kwambox now says men gossip more than women.

Back in the day gossip was a 'trade' set aside for women but that is long gone.

Speaking during her show Kwambox stated;

"Women gossip but we are living in an age where men gossip more than women. Some of the biggest blogs talking about people are run by men, Gossip is now an equal opportunity sport, even on Whats app. Its high time we accept gossiping is for everybody."

Chito refuted Kwambox's theory arguing that no sane man would sit down to gossip.

"The dudes I hang out with we discuss constructive stuff.

There is no way a man would sit down and start gossiping."

Do you agree with Kwambox?

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