Winnie Bwire speaks for the first time about their breakup saying there were stressful times

Single but not searching!! Winnie Bwire confirms breakup with Dan Sonko

.The two were together briefly

.They faced alot of issues she has spoken up about

Winnie Bwire with Dan Sonko and their kids.
Image: Instagram

Sultana actress Dida has confirmed her breakup from Mombasa-based actor Dan Sonko.

Speaking to Lynn Ngugi on the rebuild show, Bwire opened up on her relationship with Dan and why it broke.

They started dating in 2018, and five years later they split.She told Ngugi that she is on a spiritual journey, from her failed relationship and cancer treatment.

The gorgeous actress described going through heartache

"I am starting from scratch because life as I knew it ended."

She said she was hit with character development about some things.

"Watu wa Nairobi you like saying character development. So I met my best friend in the whole wide world, and we decided that we are going to settle down. and so we begin this journey.

Two years into the relationship, the people that don't know him, he lost his first wife while delivering his second born.

And so he had been on a journey of trying to rebuild. And that is how we came together."

That bond saw them decide to date

"And we said you know what we've been through stuff, let's do this.

And it was genuine because we were the best of friends And so we set on this path of rebuilding our lives and two years down the line he gets mental health issues, and I don't know what to do Lynn because this is like a scenario where you've .

This is something you've never tackled before and you are young in this union, and you are genuine, and you do know what to do"

There was an even bigger challenge - the two children

"There's kids, there's you, there's work, how do you balance? And so it was such a stressful period in my life, I would say the most stressful period. I have never been put through a test, as big as that. "

She did not know how to act

"I didn't know what to do so I decided I'm just going to be here. Whatever unfolds I am just going to be here, because I have to think about myself, my boys and so being in this constant situation of stress I believe led me to sit where I am today because I am not the kind of person who talks about my problems,"

She doesn't like being called a strong woman

"It's too much for one person to take."

Back to the relationship

"So when we dealt with whatever at that period, after that we were trying to get our lives back to normal and I noticed that my arm was slightly swollen we started noticing that my arm is swelling, it wasn't this big at the time. I kept telling Dan, something is wrong. The last thing you think about is cancer"

Dan Sonko announced their breakup back in July.He announced this on Facebook

"Bwire Ndubi are no longer romantically together. We are still very good friends, but when it comes to love/family - to each their own. We still maintain a cordial business relationship. I respect her as a queen in her own right. I care deeply for her, but the decision we arrived at was mutually agreed."

He said they were not married as Kenyans thought

"We have not married thanks to the #Covid19 Pandemic, so this separation should not be deemed as a divorce. For now, I am a lone ranger. Single and not searching," he said.

Bwire appeared to also suggest as much in her interview where she referred to him as her partner.

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