10 Words whose meanings Kenyans have distorted

•Times have changed and so has the language.

• Most of these words are used to cover up the real meaning of the original phrases.

Rosecoco beans
Image: Facebook

Times have changed and so has the language.

Unlike back in the day, the world now uses slang /hidden words to camouflage the real meaning of a word.

Don't be shocked when you speak and people end up laughing. They might have misinterpreted your words to mean what they want them to.

Some of these words include

Rose coco

Rose Coco is originally a type of bean.

In modern days, rose coco is used to refer to a lady's genitalia.


In simple terms, Kuni means firewood.

In these streets, it has a sexual connotation meaning a man's manhood.

Eg if someone says Kuni mzito it is to mean that man is loaded below the belt.

Other words used to refer the same include Fimbo and mti.


This is a term used to refer to a cat, a Pussycat. 

In modern times, the word is used to refer to a woman's genitalia.

Ingia Nyuma

This refers to when an accident occurs and a car hits another from behind.

In modern days it means having anal sex with another man/woman.


Under normal circumstances, the head is a part of the human body.

In modern society, it refers to giving a man oral sex.


In Swahili, Fimbo refers to a walking stick.

In modern days it is slang used to refer to a man's genitalia.


This is a tool mostly found and used by people working in the Juacali sector, especially in quarries.

In modern days, the word is however used to refer to how good /bad a man is loaded below the belt.


Under normal circumstances a ball refers to one used to play football.

In these streets, ball refers to pregnancy. When someone says 'Niko na ball' it means they are heavy with child.


Msitu is a swahili word for a forest.

In these streets it is used to refer to unshaved pubic hair.


Shots originally refer to  hit, stroke, or kick of the ball in sports such as football, tennis, or golf. It can also refer to the firing of a gun.

Or the clicking of a camera when capturing a moment.

In these streets it refers to how many rounds a man goes for during coitus.

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