'An elephant cannot take criticism from a fish!' Njugush declares

• The comedian isn't taking in any criticism he doesn't see has a valid stance.

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Comedian Blessed Njugush recently sat with fellow comedian Oga Obinna on his show where the two engaged in a vigourous conversation.

One of the big topics that the two spoke on was the recent criticism that the father of two has faced over his style of comedy.

The former The Real House helps of Kawangware actor gave a nuanced opinion of how he takes criticism from the public, telling Obinna that he gauged the efficacy of said criticism.

"A cow cannot take criticism from a dog, an elephant cannot take criticism from a fish, This is the point, I take criticism..." he started.

Before adding that he wouldn't follow through on ideas that have no chance of adding success to his show.

"Like an example...I changed a lot of things from TNTT 1. For example, people said we want Wakavinye more on stage, those are people who said.

So we've been gradually adding her time on stage, so I listen to such criticsm. But not the one of, 'Hii inawork wacha!' Tunataka hii reowork hapa nje na haikuwork huku nje uifanye."

Njugush's bold statement comes at a time when he faced criticism from a section of Kenyans and even veteran rapper Jua Cali who said he didn't see find his style hilarious.

This controversy coincided with his successful Australian tour with the critics feeling that his should add more to his comedy.

But the comedian's loyal fanatics came back at the critics with Jua Cali bearing the brunt of that thrust. Even fellow celebs and frequent collaborators like Abel Mutua and Kate Actress came to his defense, forcing the veteran rapper to issue an apology.

Whatever the case, this criticism will surely help Njugush get better. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

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