'Mama Fua would steal my boxers' Chito laments

Kenyans have been accused of being dishonest.

• Most people prefer working with foreigners.

• Kenyans have been accused of having what is termed as 'Mkono mrefu' always wanting to steal.

Image: Kiss 100

Morning Kiss host Chito Ndlovu has shared his experience with a  cleaning lady who would steal his knickers.

Sharing his experience with Sheila Kwambox, Chito says he couldn't understand why his boxers kept disappearing.

"Mama Fua would steal my boxers whenever she came to wash my clothes. I kept wondering why all of a sudden I had a shortage."

Sharing his experience Sheila says she also had a Cleaning Lady whose job was to steal from her.

" I couldn't even leave sunglasses behind., she even took a mug that had my name on it."

Sheila says back in the day she would also 'steal' books from the library.

"This she would do by not returning the books once she was done reading them."

 The discussion was based on why  most companies prefer working with foreigners

 The assumption is that most Kenyans have a tendency of stealing or creating chances for others to steal.

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