Women call Yvette Obura 'ugly' over innocuous statement

She received a lot of backlash from the comment


• The mom of one was trending for the wrong reasons on TikTok with people calling her names in response to some things she said while on her live.

Yvette Obura.
Image: Instagram/Yvette Obura.

Yvette Obura who is the baby mama to musician Bahati has been facing some backlash because she claimed that she is a celebrity.

Recently during a live that was recorded by another TikTok user, she was seen complaining about how Kenyans harass celebrities whenever they meet them.

She said that Kenyans feel very entitled to celebrities and that whenever they meet a celebrity and the person doesn't respond to their greeting, they term the celebrity as rude.

The businesswoman said that she always puts on a serious face whenever she is walking in public or on her business.

"If you meet me imagine and stop me to say hi, I will say hi, lakini I just usually have a serious face sio ati niko rude"

She recounted an instance when she was in a supermarket with her friend and daughter and then two ladies and a gentleman kept on following them in the supermarket.

"Si tuko tu apo tunafanya shughuli zetu then this people we realized had been following us in the entire supermarket with a camera"

The chocolate-skinned lady went on to narrate how the whole situation unfolded with the male friend coming to her defense and telling the people to stop filming them.

Her video went viral on TikTok and she was bashed with people specifically women going to the comments to call her ugly.

"When I personally started the live, I said I am not a celebrity nor am I a public figure but I don't understand why someone would do that."

The mother went ahead to say that some went as far as comparing her ugliness to Pritty Vishy who is Stivo Simple Boy's ex-girlfriend.

"Wengine wenu mlichukua tu hii chance kusema all the bad things you wanted to say about me or to me."

The mom of one went ahead to say that this is the main reason celebrities do not like associating with people because of the misconception that people have about celebrities.

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