Vivian: My dad thought I would be a baby boy

Vivian reveals the challenges she faces as a female artist

•Vivianne says loving herself has helped her in faces the challenges life throws at her.

•Vivianne has faced stigmatization and harassment in the industry for being a woman.

Image: Instagram

Kenyan artiste Vivian says her dad expected she would be born a baby born when he learned his wife was expectant.

The 'Chum Chum' hit maker says she has had to fight for her place in the society.

Through her socials she penned

"It wasn’t always like this. I recently discovered that on the day I came into this world my father expected a baby boy alafu kidogo kidogo ni mimi #ViviKamaVivi .

Like some of you I grew up not really knowing who I was and my parents just did what they knew. Alafu si mnajua 8-4-4 ilitufanya ile kitu.

Where we look for solutions always externally. Ile stori ya ule aunty/uncle aliku-promise job .. hadi Leo una-wait."


"My point is life is full of many lessons for us to learn. I am an advocate of peace of mind.

The only way I have gotten here is through loving myself unconditionally. Yaani wakuongea mzidi sana."

Vivian says doing music has made her discover who she is. This is despite the negativities that come with living her life in the limelight.

"Through my gift of music I have gotten to know so much about the real me( the good and the not so good) but it’s all me.

I have had to be assertive to stay here. Some people think I need to sing worship others think I need to do love songs and I have been judged a lot on this.

But for me there’s no mistake in my music journey and for everyone I’ve uplifted because of this gift I thank God."

Vivian went on to advice

"A friend told me none of us is more special than the other it’s mostly about the principles we live by. One such principle is that the only person coming to save you is the healed version of you.

So let’s heal our minds, work on living healthy, forgive quickly, let go of negativity and remember how we see ourselves is the only thing that really counts. #vivithealbum"

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