Haukunisaidia! Victor Mboya fires at Mulamwah for canceling sponsorship

• Victor accused him of riding on his instant fame. 

Image: Instagram

Upcoming artiste Victor Mboya has been on a rant, firing at celebrities who offered him help. 

After daring Jalang'o to pick his Ksh 18,000, Victor also brushed shoulders with Comedian Mulamwah. 

Mulamwah said that he was willing to sponsor Victor in his music career but cannot stand his ungrateful character. 

"I heard earlier on met and promised on video to help this guy record two songs with Motiff. But following his abusive utterances after being helped by Jalang'o, I have revoked the plan, which was already underway," he said.

In a harsh response to Mulamwah, Victor Mboya now says that he did not offer him any money. 

“He said he will add me Ksh2,000 when Jalang’o gave me Ksh18,000, but he never did that. I respect him soo much but him saying he wanted to help me is extremely wrong; there is nowhere that he helped me,” Victor said. 

He further accused him of riding on his instant fame. 

"Let me just say the truth, it was just for the camera and everything. He was riding on my name.  He said he will help me and after two weeks he starts saying the projects are ongoing.” 

The upcoming artiste also explained that he wants to meet Jalang'o in-person to refund his money and even buy him lunch.

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