Postmortem discloses how murdered Meru blogger died


• Since his body had already decayed, officials collected DNA samples to verify he was the one.

Daniel Muthiani
Image: Courtesy

An autopsy revealed that the deceased blogger Daniel Muthiani, also referred to as Sniper, was strangled to death. He was based in Meru.

He was strangled on the neck, according to an autopsy performed on his body on Friday. Johansen Oduor, a government pathologist, was examined at the Marimanti Level 4 Hospital Mortuary on Friday.

According to Oduor, Sniper had marks on his neck and showed symptoms of oxygen deprivation.

In addition, he had injuries on his skull and broken ribs, which suggested that he had been strangled before being thrown into a river.

Since his body had already decayed, officials collected DNA samples to verify he was the one.

There were doubts about whether he was so subdued that he was unable to protect himself after the body's inspection revealed no injuries consistent with a defense.

The pathologist attested to the fact that Sniper's body pieces remained whole.  Family members expressed satisfaction with the postmortem and urged law enforcement to apprehend those responsible so that justice may be done.

Before his body was found on December 16, 2023, Sniper vanished on December 2.

According to police sources, potential suspects in the murder have been identified. Among them are a few local employees.

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