Late Sheila Lumumba's killer sentenced to 30 years in prison

• Sheila Lumuba's killer sentenced to 30 years in prison

The late Sheila Lumumba
Image: Courtesy

Billington Wambui Mwathi, the killer of Sheila Lumumba, has been sentenced to 30 years in prison by a Nyeri court.

Sheila, a non-binary lesbian, was found raped and murdered in their home in Nyeri on April 17, 2022

A suspect was charged with the aggravated assault and murder of the 25-year-old, as a post-mortem showed that she had been raped. 

A second person - a woman- was also arrested but not charged. Sheila's family claimed she was allegedly found selling items that belonged to Sheila.

Her family accused police of dragging their feet on the matter and began their own investigation where they found CCTV footage that subsequently became part of the police probe.

The National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (NGLHRC), an LGBTIQ organization providing legal aid has weighed in on the sentencing.

"Today the murderer Billington Mwathi was sentenced to 30 years in prison."

On their Twitter account, the advocacy group added they felt the sentence lenient sending a concerning message on the value placed on LGBTQ.

"While we respect the judicial process we cannot help but feel this sentence does not adequately reflect the gravity of Mwathis actions or the irreparable loss experienced by Sheila's family and the community," read part of their statement

"Today's sentencing in Sheila Lumumba case is a stark reminder of the struggles facing the LGBTIQ+ community. Our fight for justice and equality continues."

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