How does he survive? Salasya stuns Kenyans with Sh2,364 net salary payslip


• The MP was also paid a telephone allowance of Sh15,000 and a vehicle fixed cost of Sh356,525.

Mumias East MP Peter Salasya
Image: Peter Salasya/X

From an initial salary of over Sh1.1 million, Mumias MP Peter Salasya took home just Sh2,364 for June.

This was revealed in a payslip the MP shared on his Facebook page on Wednesday.

"Hii ndio salary yangu. Kama yangu inakaa hivi, ya askari mwalimu na daktari zinakaa aje?" Salasya questioned, which loosely translates to, "This is my salary. If mine looks like this, what about those of teachers and doctors?"

The payslip detailed his earnings and deductions. Besides his basic salary of Sh435,301, Salasya received an administrative allowance of Sh140,201, a house allowance of Sh150,000, and a sitting allowance of Sh67,500.

Additionally, he was paid a telephone allowance of Sh15,000 and a vehicle fixed cost of Sh356,525, bringing the total to Sh1,164,527.

However, this amount was heavily reduced by various deductions. These included Sh360,466 for PAYE, Sh541,947 for a mortgage, Sh54,847 for the staff pension fund, Sh16,455 for the Housing Levy, and Sh1,700 for NHIF.

Other deductions were Sh85,981 for a car loan, Sh4,640 for ration and mess, Sh5,000 for the Kenya Young Parliament Association (KYPA), Sh10,000 for Sacco deposits, Sh10,000 for housing shares, Sh70,000 for Pacoso shares, and Sh1,124 for car loan life insurance.

These deductions totaled Sh1,162,162, leaving the MP with a net pay of Sh2,364.

Explaining how he manages to survive, the MP said, "I posted about my salary... Even if I have taken a mortgage, can't I invest in a business that can give me Sh20,000 or Sh10,000 a day?"

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