ODM to initiate recall of these 6 MPs who voted for Finance Bill


• Party Secretary General Edwin Sifuna said the decision was made against MPs whom he termed as repeat offenders.

Edwin Sifuna
Image: Courtesy

At least six MPs from Raila Odinga's ODM party will be recalled, according to the party's declaration, if they support the Finance Bill 2024.

The choice was taken against MPs that Party Secretary General Edwin Sifuna referred to be serial offenders.

"Elisha Odhiambo of Gem, Gideon Ochanda of Bondo, Elijah Memusi of Kajiado Central, Caroli Omondi of Suba South, and Emmanuel Wangwe of Navakholo are among the MPs who are being called for recall."

These are repeat offenders who voted against the wishes of the people in 2023 and 2024, there are a few who met their Damascus moment," Sifuna remarked.

The six MPs are among those who have continued to associate with the administration despite ODM's warnings.

Felix Oduwuor, a member of the Lang'ata parliament who opposed the Finance Bill, 2024, despite being labeled as a party renegade, has been spared by ODM.

The ODM leadership had warned the MPs not to work with Kenya Kwanza, but the party and the MPs have been at odds over this.

Among the six MPs that ODM ejected from the party last year but had the court reinstate them were Jalong'o, Ochanda, Odhiambo, and Omondi.

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