Peter Salasya's odd explanation on wanting to marry mzungu lady

•  In the past Manzi wa Kibera has shot her shot at the first time politician.

Mumias East MP Peter Salasya
Image: Courtesy

Mumias East MP, Peter Salasya has shed details on an earlier statement that he wanted to marry a white woman.

Speaking in an interview with Willis Raburu, he explained that he posted that as a joke as he was curious to read comments from Kenyans.

"The problem we have now is I want a stay-at-home wife, to live in the village. But women nowadays do not want that. If I had a wife at the time of the campaign maybe I couldn't have won. I am still waiting to see."

Do you still want a mzungu?

'Sometimes I just sit and realize I haven't posted in a while and decide to post something controversial. Then I sit down and read the comments.'

In a past interview with Jalang'o, Salasya revealed why he had stopped the search for a wife.

"Sasa hiyo maneno tumeweka on hold now," he declared. He hinted it has something to do with his increasing duties as an elected legislator and his need to focus fully on that without distraction.

Hiyo iko hold, until further notice. Because pale nimefikia saaa hii unajua tuko siasa mpaka ukuwe successful , mambo ya private family ikuwe private"

The youthful MP in 2022 after his inauguration admitted to being single and searching. He trended for some time, setting off a frenzy from Kenyan women bidding to be his wife.

Even Kenyan socialite Manzi wa Kibera placed her application to be the First Lady of Mumias East. She took to the streets dressed in tight luminous leggings, and a black top as she held a placard begging him to pick her.

Things did not go well for her as he snubbed her. He was so highly sought after that even the Kakamega woman representative formed a committee to vet suitable women for Salasya to marry.

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