In a bizarre incident that left netizens both amused and concerned, former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko Mbuvi shared a video, showcasing an unexpected discovery he made while eating.
The politician found a coiled wire in his food and couldn't resist sharing the experience with his followers.
However, what followed was an outpouring of witty, thought-provoking, and humorous comments from netizens across social media platforms.
In the video, Sonko can be heard exclaiming, "Mbona unaniekea wire kwa chakula, karibu iniue hii kitu, why achukue wire aniekee kwa chakula hii ni msumari tena ameikunja akaiweka na tomato vizuri."
(Why is there a wire in my food? it nearly killed me! Why would someone put a wire in my food, and it's even a nail that has been coiled and hidden among tomatoes?).
''Waite wote, wameweka by mistake ama hii ni intentionally hii, na ni copper wire.''
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