Gachagua ready for a handshake with Uhuru

"He has my phone number. If he calls me, I will go because he is my elder."

Piece by: LUCY MUMBI

• Gachagua said he has no vendetta against Uhuru who he said he supported since get gave his first stab at the presidency in 2002.

• He said even though he has not spoken with him for so long, he is ready to have a discussion with him in the event he reaches out to him.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has said he is ready to restore his friendship with former President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Speaking in an interview with the media in Meru on Saturday, Gachagua said he has no vendetta against Uhuru who he said he supported since get gave his first stab at the presidency in 2002.

“I don’t have any problem or beef with my friend retired President Uhuru Kenyatta. We don’t have any competition because he has retired and gone to take a rest. I am the Deputy President and I am doing my work,” Gachagua said.

“I supported Uhuru since 2002 when the others never wanted him until he became the president. Later on, is when we had political differences when we won over his project. But he came and accorded us the authority and all was well.”

He said even though he has not spoken with him for so long, he is ready to have a discussion with him in the event he reaches out to him.

“I have not met with Uhuru to talk but he knows where I am. He has my phone number. If he calls me, I will go because he is my elder. I don’t have any problem. We will talk,” Gachagua said.

“We respect him a lot. I can also give him some advice even if am younger than him. I will tell him that fighting with Sabina is lowering his respect.”

The DP said that the fight between Uhuru and Sabina over Jubilee Party does not concern them as the Kenya Kwanza government.

Gachagua also exonerated the President and the Kenya Kwanza government from any blame regarding the problems facing the Jubilee party.

“The only problem there is the issues of his past regime but we must express ourselves. By telling you that he borrowed money to build the roads is not quarrelling,” Gachagua said.

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