Reason Mudavadi has gone on more international trips than Gachagua

"Kwenda tuu kuona rais mpya akiapishwa mimi ntarudi na nini? Mimi sina haja."


• Mudavadi has in recent times been dispatched by President William Ruto to represent him in key events including the swearing-in of elected presidents.
• This according to some Kenyans, was an indicator that the DP was falling out of favour with the Kenya Kwanza government.

Rigathi Gachagua
Image: The-Star

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has weighed into concerns that Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi is overshadowing as far as official foreign trips are concerned.

Mudavadi has in recent times been dispatched by President William Ruto to represent him in key events including the swearing-in of elected presidents.

This according to some Kenyans, was an indicator that the DP was falling out of favour with the Kenya Kwanza government.

But in a response to the accusations, Gachagua said he asked the president to remain in the country to focus on the development agenda of their government.

In an interview with Meru media stations on Saturday, Gachagua denied running out of favor.

“I have heard people saying that Musalia is doing my job. That he is the one going to Nigeria while I have been handed the ordinary jobs of fighting alcohol and drug abuse," he said.

“I told the president to leave me here in Kenya to fight alcoholism and drug abuse,” Gachagua said.

He added that if he was to participate in events outside the country, they must be about resource mobilisation.

"Ile safari mimi ntaenda ni ile ya kutafuta kitu. Kwenda tuu kuona rais mpya akiapishwa mimi ntarudi na nini? Mimi sina haja,"  he said.

Loosely translates to: "The only trip I can go abroad is one that will bring in resources. But just going to see the swearing-in of a new President will add what value? I am not interested". 

Gachagua's remarks come amidst ongoing speculations surrounding his role and responsibilities within the political field.

Mudavadi has gained attention for his frequent trips abroad to Burundi, Angola, and Nigeria.

In December 2022 the Prime Cabinet secretary attended the Commonwealth Trade and Investment Summit in London.

Five months later, he was in Abuja to represent President Ruto at the inauguration of Nigeria’s new President Bola Tinubu.

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