President Ruto leaves US for Kenya after historic state visit [PHOTOS]


• The President was in the US on the invitation of President Joe Biden, making history as the first African head of state to be accorded the honour in 16 years.

President William Ruto is seen off at the Joint Base Andrews in Maryland as he departs for Kenya at the end of his 4-day state visit to the USA, May 24, 2024.
Image: courtesy

President William Ruto left the US for Kenya on Friday at the end of his historic four-day state visit.

The President was seen off at the Joint Base Andrews in Maryland.

The President was in the US on the invitation of President Joe Biden, making history as the first African head of state to be accorded the honour in 16 years.

Ruto was accompanied by First Lady Mama Rachel and key government leaders led by Prime Cabinet Secretary and Foreign and Diaspora CS Musalia Mudavadi.

The President also travelled with a host of MPs including those from the Opposition, three of his daughters and Council of Governors chair Anne Waiguru.

During the visit, Kenya signed a number of bilateral deals with the US worth billions of shillings.

Ruto leaves US for Kenya after historic state visit
Ruto leaves US for Kenya after historic state visit
President William Ruto is seen off at the Joint Base Andrews in Maryland as he departs for Kenya at the end of his 4-day state visit to the USA, May 24, 2024.
Image: courtesy
Ruto leaves US for Kenya after historic state visit
Ruto leaves US for Kenya after historic state visit

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