Photos: How State Dinner for President Ruto went down at White House hosted by Biden


• The State banquet had no dress code theme.

• The State Banquet was also attended by The Obamas and The Clintons

Guests at the State Banquet on Thursday, May 23, 2024.

The evening sun had set ushering time for the State banquet in honour of President William Ruto and his Kenyan delegation at at the White House.

A classic display of fashion unfolded as delegates arrived in style; women in beautiful dresses and men donning classic suits.

The State banquet had no dress code theme. This meant attendees were free to pick what was favourite for them.

The host President Joe Biden and his spouse Jill were first to arrive.

President William Ruto toasting during the State Banquet at the White House on May 23, 2024.
Image: PCS

They walked hand in hand with Jill donning a blue long shiny dress designed with glitters as President Biden put on a black suit with a bow tie.

Their arrival was punctuated with tunes of musical instruments played by the millitary men.

The two had minutes of photo session outside the White House before taking a position on the red carpet to welcome President Ruto and First Lady Mama Rachel.

Mama Rachel wore a long goldish black dress with a spiral-like pattern at the bottom.

President William Ruto, his host counterpart Joe Biden and their spouses Mama Rachel Ruto and Jill Biden ahead of the State Banquet on Thursday, May 23, 2024.
Image: PCS
President William Ruto, his host counterpart Joe Biden and their spouses Mama Rachel Ruto and Jill Biden ahead of the State Banquet on Thursday, May 23, 2024.
Image: PCS
Image: PCS
President William Ruto, his host counterpart Joe Biden and their spouses Mama Rachel Ruto and Jill Biden ahead of the State Banquet on Thursday, May 23, 2024.
Image: PCS
President Joe Biden toasting during the State Banquet at the White House on May 23, 2024.
Image: PCS
President William Ruto toasting during the State Banquet at the White House on May 23, 2024.

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