Thugs attack woman while fetching water in Mandera


• Witnesses said the gunmen shot indiscriminately injuring the woman on her left leg.

Crime Scene Tape
Image: FILE

A middle-aged woman is nursing gunshot wounds after being shot by unknown gunmen at River Dawa in Lafey, Mandera County.

The woman was fetching water from the river when gunmen emerged from the riverbank on the Ethiopian side and opened fire at her.

Witnesses said the gunmen shot indiscriminately injuring the woman on her left leg.

This happened as other women who were with her managed to escape unhurt.

She was rescued and rushed to Sala dispensary for medical assistance and later referred to Mandera County Referral Hospital for treatment.

The motive of the incident is not known, police said.

A team of officials in the area is investigating the Wednesday incident.

Elsewhere in Loyangalani, Turkana county, officials said they are investigating gunmen who raided Kargi shopping centre and broke into a shop where they got away with goods worth Sh15,000.

The gunmen engaged police in a shootout before escaping.

The officers had responded to the scene when they met resistance following the Wednesday evening incident.

In Mwingi, Kitui County, there was drama when police shot at Chinese workers who were working overnight.

The workers were busy at a gypsum factory at about 3 am on Thursday when police who were on patrol mistook them for thieves.

The workers shouted saying they were genuine and surrendered before police moved there to confirm the same. No one was injured, police said.

They later continued with their operations, police said.

Police explained they were not aware the factory works on a 24-hour basis.

A suspected thug was Wednesday shot dead in Gatundu, Kiambu County.

Police said the suspect was in the company of two others and had been waylaying and robbing pedestrians when an alarm was raised.

The incident happened on a footpath joining Gatundu town and Ichaweri village.

Police said one suspect was shot dead while his accomplices managed to escape.

A homemade pistol and two pangas were recovered.

The body was moved to the mortuary pending autopsy and identification.

Residents have been complaining of mugging incidents in the area, which prompted police to lay an ambush.

Police say they have deployed more personnel to tame the trend.

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