Ex-Migori Deputy Governor Nelson Mahanga Mwita passes away


•Mahanga died at the MP Shah Hospital, Nairobi, on Saturday where he had been admitted after an illness, his family said.

Ex-Migori Deputy Governor Nelson Mahanga passes away
Image: Facebook

Former Migori County Deputy Governor Nelson Mahanga Mwita is dead.

Mahanga died at the MP Shah Hospital, Nairobi, on Saturday where he had been admitted after an illness, his family said.

Mahanga served as Deputy Governor for Migori County for two terms between 2013 and 2022 under ex-Governor Okoth Obado.

Current Governor Ochillo Ayako mourned Mahanga in a statement on Facebook.

Ayako said Mahanga was a devoted leader in public service who gave his best for the betterment of society.

“With great commiseration, we register our sincere condolences to the family, friends and the people of Migori for having lost such a useful leader,” he said.

The family and friends who are meeting at his Riruta Satellite home in Nairobi said his body was moved to the Lee Funeral Home.

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