Missing Olukurto Seconday School principal found dead at a morgue in Meru

The Principal had traveled for the Narok North Sub-county principal conference.

• A network signal tracing showed the principal never left Mwea town before his phone went off last Wednesday.

• The cause of his death has not been confirmed.

Sebastian Njiru Gikunju, 56, had been missing since Tuesday last week.
Principal of Olokurto Secondary School found dead at a morgue in Meru. Sebastian Njiru Gikunju, 56, had been missing since Tuesday last week.
Image: FILE

Body of Principal of Olokurto Secondary School in Narok who went missing last week found in a morgue in Meru, police say

 Sebastian Njiru Gikunju, 56, who is the principal of Olokurto Secondary School in Narok North sub-county has been missing since Tuesday last week.

Mr. Gikunju’s wife Anne said the teacher told the family he was going to Meru County for the Narok North Sub-county principal conference and has not been reached since.

Anne, who is also a teacher at a nearby secondary school, said her husband passed at their home in Mutithi village before he told them he was going to Meru.

“He came with another vehicle and told us his vehicle had an accident and he left it in a garage,” Anne said.

Mwea West Sub-county police commander Wilson Koskei said a network signal tracing showed the principal never left Mwea town before his phone went off last Wednesday.

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